Best NGO in Delhi | HelpAge India
Best NGO in Delhi | HelpAge India
Best NGO in Delhi | HelpAge India
Best NGO in Delhi | HelpAge India
HelpAge India is one of the few organizations that has the sole purpose of serving the elderly, especially the elderly who have been emotionally and economically abused.
Our facilities and activities include-
1) Old Age Homes/ Day Care Centres
2) Relief and Rehibilatation for the elderly.
3) Livelihood Support
4) Physiocare for the elderly.
5) Eye care for the elderly.
6) ‘Working with Senior Citizens Association’ for the youth.
Apart from having nation-wide facilities, Helpage places immense importance on youth awareness about the condition of the underprivilged elderly in our country.
Through our ‘Student Action for Value Education’ advocacy, we aim to inculcate children with morally correct values and ideals.
To whomever reading this, helpage urges YOU to help spread our message to however many people you can.
Be it through a mere poem, or an article, YOU can help thousands of people realize the severe austerity faced by the elders of our country.
It is time we, the proud citizens of India, take initiative.
Social Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Economic Abuse… it is time we wipe aside these problems, and replace them with joy, and happiness.
The elders of our country raised us, and made this country what it is now.
It is time we give back, and let them know that we have not forgotten them.


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C–14, Qutab Institutional Area,,110016,Connaught Place,Delhi

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